Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Eagle has Landed

The thing about my camera is if I want to capture an eagle with its wings spread, I have to get that moment right when it flares before landing, when it is barely moving. You can see the Grand Aleutian Hotel across the bay; the boat is the F/V Alaska Rose.

Goldfish and I went snowshoeing this evening with Chico, a nice 75 minute workout along the water. We saw something rare for out here - evidence of someone else enjoying the outdoors, a set of cross country ski tracks. The best thing about island life is the celebration of the individual - there are so many folks just working and parking in front of the TV, Goldfish and I often marvel its like we almost have the island to ourselves, especially in the winter.


Anonymous said...

I know your not really the kind of person to park in front of a tv too often. It's good that there are all these things you can find to do in such a small place.
Love you Dad


You have a most interesting blog with great pics.

Stay on groovin' safari,

Lothian said...


Unknown said...

That is good that you find things to do and that there are other people on the island (even though you don't see them) Great pic