Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Was Waiting for a Really Good Reason . . .

 Let me tell you, the easiest thing in the world is to not blog.  You have to be in a certain frame of mind, and you need some spare time, a fact I was reminded of just now as I waited 20 minutes for these two photos to upload at our abysmal island internet speeds.  You also need a good reason to invest the time.  Last month Goldfish and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary, and instead of the latest digital device, I wanted something that symbolized love - married love, through thick and thin.  Enter Bob Carey and The Tutu Project.  Bob's wife Linda has been battling breast cancer off and on for the past nine years, and as a professional photographer and a devoted husband, Bob used his talents to do the one thing that was most important to him - make his wife smile.

The result is a collection of photos of Bob in a tutu in the most unlikeliest of places, a collection that Bob is self-publishing this fall in Ballerina, the book.  The net proceeds of the book sales will directly to breast cancer organizations such as and the Beth Israel Department of Integrative Medicine Fund.  You can support Bob's project in a number of ways - purchase a limited edition 20 x 24 print of your favorite tutu photo like I did (I chose Times Square because of the wonderful times Goldfish and I had there on vacation), purchase a copy of the book, buy a t-shirt, or just make a cash donation to a great cause.  Also, for my fellow bloggers I encourage you to mention the Tutu Project on your blogs, and follow it on Facebook.  Google the Tutu Project and read some of the press.  It will make you smile.

Bob's love for his wife is inspiring - I would like to think I would put on a pink tutu and take a self-photo in a public place to make Goldfish smile if she needed badly needed cheering up.  I've come to realize that in this life the most valuable thing you can give the ones you love is your time and talents . . . so after you visit Bob's website, and like his project on Facebook, maybe make a donation, find a loved one and make them feel special.

Cheers - I have more to blog - next up will be pictures from a wine/food pairing we attended Saturday.  And then maybe I'll slowly try to post snippets of the last year, and explore where my mind and camera have been . . . .


Suzassippi said...

I am absolutely smiling this see you back! I have kept you on my blogroll all this time, refusing to give up that you would come back to us: your appreciative readers who truly do wait for your photos and your words. Imagine my delight when there you are at the top of the blogroll this morning! I'll be waiting for the next Sense of Place.

Jennifer Leeland said...

A blog post well worth waiting for!!! Hope you're doing well and I know you would totally put on a Tutu for Goldfish.
I'll definitely blog about the project. What an awesome guy.

Gail in Mobile said...

Tickled pink to see you back! So looking forward future posts. Thanks for sharing Bob's project with us! :-)

Gigi said...

Welcome back, friend! Love The Tutu Project. I can totally see you doing the same thing if Goldfish ever needed it. :)

Alaska Steve said...

Thanks guys! I've got a few good ideas for posts, it's going to take awhile to get caught up!

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have you back. Looking forward to much more goodies.

Anonymous said...

So good to see you blogging again! Looking forward to more!

AlaskanDave said...

Steve....glad to see you've returned..!

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Glad to see you back!

And happy 4th!!


Anonymous said...

Ditto what the others have said, Steve! Glad to see you are back and I look forward to reading your fascinating, well-written entries from your outpost up north!

Anonymous said...

Your writing is so beautiful and evocative of life in Dutch Harbor. Please keep it going. Best wishes to you and Goldfish.

Anonymous said...

Am so glad that you are back, and hope that you and Goldfish are well. Your writing is wonderful, very evocative of Dutch Harbor. Please keep writing!

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Glad to see you return!

More posts and your GREAT photographs, please?


tammusc said...

I sure miss you! I love the stories, and the photo's.

Milepost 154 said...

Sorry to see you gone.

You had a great blog and even greater calendars and photographs.

Sorry to see you gone, and sorry to see you removed from my blogroll.

I hope all, though, is good with you and your wife.


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Any chance, Steve, of your return?

Any chance at all?