Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Olympics Closing Ceremony

The evening of the closing ceremonies I pedaled my mountain bike over the pass, 14.6 miles from doorstep to doorstep with a big hill in between. The most bizarre transformation occurred over the course of all that television watching - towards the end I found myself grabbing a pair of binoculars and watching a pair of sea otters playing in the East Channel in front of the house (while a commercial was on, of course!). What I realized is that the world seen through the television had become my new reality, and what was happening in my own front yard had become something distant and foreign. Biking the pass kicked my butt (and involved a fair amount of pushing the bike on the steeper sections), but it was my way of reconnecting to the island.

Goldfish's Mom flew in this morning for a few days and seems to be having a great time! And I'm back blogging - I'll be checking in on everyone soon!


Bren said...

Wow, pedaling over the pass! I am impressed.

Pick some blueberries for me.

love ya

Lori said...

Glad you're back Steve! I miss your posts! Would love to see some otter pictures!

cary said...

Otters - a pass - you poor guy, having to live in such natural splendor all the time...

pantxo petate said...

When things get mean in this world I recall the Bering Sea, and the assertion of my companions assuring me that it is one of the safest places in the world, not a target rich environment as the new jargon goes. Looks like it again, now that there is talk of a new cold war.

Thanks for showing me the place on a year round basis, I only spent little time in winter and spring. I go for bike rides too, something I never did in Unaslaka.

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Oh I hope Goldfish's Mom has a fabulous visit.
All those Olympics. I hear you.

Kym said...

I understand about the box--it provides a vivid, unifying vision of the world. It just doesn't reflect the world that exists all around me.

I sympathize with your need to just get up and reveal in your island!