Ukuganaadan has had a great run at the Anchorage Museum. The show was
extended from the original ending date in mid-January to April 14 at the
request of t...
5 years ago
Finding peace and new life on Unalaska Island
My heart stopped as I read the headline in the Seattle Times last night, about a fishing vessel that went down in the Bearing Sea. My heart and prayers go out to all the families involved.
God bless them and their families
Oh God, I'm sorry, Steve. I'll keep their families in mind, plus the survivors.
The reality of the Bering Sea is so painful sometimes.
The sea does look like mercury in your beautiful photo. May the peace so wonderfully captured in it help ease the families.
What a tragedy so see the Bering Sea take yet more men into her depths. I can only hope that some day the families can have peace. *sending much love to Dutch Harbor*
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