The most important discovery I made didn't take place on Little South America; I ended up exploring the nature of a relationship and fairness and love. You see, in less than a month Goldfish and I are getting married, and my decision to spend 30 evenings on Little South America exploring (with my long hours, that time constitutes essentially all my free time each day) was maybe not the most mature idea I've had . . . . . and the ensuing discussions brought us both to a lot better place, the terrain we covered as important as any I was hiking.
I will always be pushing the envelope more than Goldfish - we're just wired differently. We have different dreams but are facing in the same direction and maybe someday I'll drag her with me to Little South America 30 days in a row but for now we're walking together and life is good. I'm going to have to put this one on the shelf for now . . .
Congratulations! I am so glad you have someone to travel with in life's journey.
As far as Little South America... you said thirty days. It doesn't have to be thirty consecutive days. It can be over a lifetime, besides whatever beauty you bring into our lives, whether it is goldfish or photo's, I know it will be wonderful. You are an awesome person who I have always admired.
Your mom said it beautifully! Congratulations!
BTW your photo is breathtaking!
Congratulations Steve! When priorities get made some things inevitably have to be shelved. Going from working massive overtime to wedding plans is alot to take on...and all in the first quarter of '08!
I was kind of wondering how you were going to do that and get married at the same time too. Hopefully some other time though. I bet it is pretty interesting there, especially if you cover it all.
Looking forward to seeing you two, on your way back through here, and after the wedding.
Love you
It sounds like everyone but me realized it wasn't a great idea . . . I'm always the last to realize things! Thanks for all the support, you're all right, the 30 days don't need to be in order, and I need to focus on April 11th!
Congratulations Steve and Goldfish! May you have many happy years together!
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