Fishing vessels are zipping through the East Channel at all hours of the day and night now - when I walked Chico after work along Illiuliuk Bay I could see 10 boats either arriving or departing. Our pollock guys haven't quite come to an accord on price yet but the crab boats have and should be leaving for the grounds by Tuesday or Wednesday.
The warm weather continues and another storm is on the way for tonight! Another person joined the weight loss pool so we're up to $800 for the winner, weigh-in on April 4th . . . . . no dieting for me today, I had pizza at the galley for lunch and four king crab legs for supper instead of the usual one leg with brown rice. Early to bed tonight, right after I call Zack and thank him for the Christmas package - Duck Hunt for the Wii, an Eric Clapton biography and a Bumble figurine (my favorite character from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer) that roars when you press his belly! Cheers everyone . . . . .
"A nation that draws too great a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
Ukuganaadan has had a great run at the Anchorage Museum. The show was
extended from the original ending date in mid-January to April 14 at the
request of t...
5 years ago
great quote! Who said it?
Love that quote!!!! Hey, that's a nice picture anyway. Very interesting.
I'm not sure who said it, I saw it on a bulletin board long ago. It is my favorite quote - no surprise there, I'm a bit of a scholar/warrior myself . . .
Ya I got you Duck Hunt, so you can shoot the pretend ducks, so you don't miss hunting and doesn't kill any of these birds he shows us. Plus i remember playing the first Duck Hunt with you when it first came out for the original Nintendo on the base.
It was Thucydides, a Greek historian that wrote that. Pure brilliance, by the way.
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