Monday, August 13, 2007

Isaalux Bridge

This is the cute little bridge that goes over the stream beside the house. I actually took these photos back in June when I first got here - everything is a lot greener these days. The top photo looks to the left and shows the post office, the second photo looks to the right back towards the apartment and shows Haystack Hill.

We had a contrast in weather the last three days - first it was almost 80 degrees on Saturday, an amazing temperature for out here. Then yesterday the winds howled in with a light rain and I fell asleep last night to great storm sounds outside. Then today Dutch Harbor was flat calm, reflecting everything like a mill pond, and you could see a salmon jump a half mile away. Three days, three totally different personalities.

Goldfish has been berry picking with great success lately, I need to join her and Keri next time and contribute to the growing hoard of salmon berries in the freezer. Salmon berries are sort of like raspberries in appearance with a different taste - I've been the quality control to this point making sure they were up to standard before they were frozen (consequently a pint or so didn't stay around long enough to be frozen - yum!)

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