Hey, here I am with my two little buddies getting ready to rock and roll on the line. Trevor, you can see your school is still getting represented! This was taken today actually, which turned out to be a gorgeous one with blue skies and a flat calm Bering Sea. The salmon are starting to run and folks are abuzz with excitement as people pile into vehicles and head out fishing straight from work. Tommorow night I'm going out to the Grand Aleutian to watch Open Mike night and celebrate my first month on the island. I splurged today on a laundry basket and a haircut, a great day in Unalaska. . . . .
Ukuganaadan has had a great run at the Anchorage Museum. The show was
extended from the original ending date in mid-January to April 14 at the
request of t...
5 years ago
Nice work on the VCSU sweatshirt! Thanks for the e-mail letting everyone know how work is going. People have been asking me what you're doing over there in Unalaska so now i have something to tell them. Oh, i was also wondering what your phone number was because zack said you use a phone card so i wasn't sure if the one i had was right. Love you!
Ah ha but little does Trevor know that I have your phone number now. Looking good Dad. Hope you don't get too attached to those little buddies of yours
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