Monday, July 30, 2007

Cooking Night

My night to cook was fun and we'll have leftovers for a few days if we want to skip the galley some more. Honestly, I love the galley food, love having no groceries to buy, love not doing dishes. I love seafood night, steak night, BBQ rib night, Mexican lunches, the way Henry cooks my eggs over easy just the way I like them . . . . but I have to say it was still fun to cook in my own kitchen and try a couple new recipies.

The photo above I took a couple weeks ago when the lupine was just starting to come out. It is taken from the top of Haystack and shows Captain's Bay. The land mass in the center of the picture is called Little South America because of it's shape - it is a good place to see sea lions. The boats are mostly big freighters hanging out waiting to load with product for Japan - it is hard to see from the picture but they are quite large.

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