Friday, February 19, 2010

A Word About the Neighbors . . .

Not the human neighbors (although they are all very nice), the four legged neighbors who leave their tracks along side ours, all throughout the valley (and not the dogs, who are also very nice). I'm talking about the foxes. The valley foxes are not like the "townie" foxes - they don't skulk, beg, or slink. They live on a natural diet of grasses, grains, berries, insects, mice ptarmigan and fish. They don't approach humans for food because they are self-sufficient. And humans (at least the ones in my household) don't feed foxes, because they care for their well-being.

Valley foxes are beautiful and self-assured . . . .

Sharing the land with them is a privilege - granted, they are not the wolf, bear, coyote, moose and caribou that I loved to watch on mainland Alaska for 20 years before moving out here . . .

But they still are a joy to see, and their relative abundance means there are usually at least a couple joyous occasions each and every day . . .

Like seeing one crossing my driveway tonight from my living room window (hard to see, just trust me or click the photo to enlarge). Another reason for joy? This photo was taken at 7 PM, we are actually having a small bit of evening after work!

Alright, my better half has returned from the Vagina Monologue performance at the Grand. I would have gone - I am pro-vagina for the record - but my assigned task was to hang out with Chico, keep one eye on the Olympics, and figure out how to rearrange the front room so we can move the computer desk in, making the dining room a proper, umm, dining room.

Goldfish, by the way, is particularly enchanted with sharing the valley with foxes, and she took half of the fox photos above. Foxes make her smile, and well, anything that makes Goldfish smile is a-okay with me . . . .


Margrita said...

Awesome pictures. I love foxes they are beautiful animals. We use to have a family of 4 silver foxes in our woods but over the years they have passed on. Now we have the red ones. The snow is very pretty with the light shining on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm envious of your fox photos--especially the two together. I've been trying for almost two years to photograph our local foxes but they are so shy that I get little more than a glimpse before they flee.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

You guys are so blessed. Wonderful photos.


Mystic said...

I love the foxes! The picture of the two together is amazing, and I love your description of the town and country foxes. It reminds me of the children's story of the city and country mice. Thank you for sharing your neighbors with me. I too have animal neighbors; perhaps I'll post about them.

Cookie Dough said...

I'm in awe of your pics as usual. I live a couple hundred feet away as the crow flies but all I ever see of the foxes is them running through my yard. Must be because our part of the road is "So busy" I bet there were 25 cars today :)
Beware of the yellow lab terrorizing the neighborhood. You are nice to say all the dogs are nice...not sure about the one(s) across from my house!

verybadcat said...

your photos are stunning, as usual, but i would be remiss if i didn't tell you that the very last sentence of this post is my very favorite part! :)

Lori said...

Totally awesome pics Steve! These are my new favorite fox pics and a must for the calendar next year. They're beautiful!

nd CD, better watch Bella - she just may chase those foxes (and boy is she getting big!)

Cookie Dough said...

Yup...Bella is 6.5 months old now!