Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Odds and Ends . . . .

I was sorting through pictures, filing away old ones, when I realized that although I posted a lot of pictures on my password protected family blog from my brother's visit, I only posted a few fishing photos and our flight in the Goose on Sense of Place. For anyone that wants to try out blogging but doesn't want to share too much with strangers, I recommend a password protected, invitation only blog. I set one up for all my family to contribute to and it works great - it's a place to let your hair down and relax.

Here is an eagle spreading its wings to dry on top of the balls by the airport. No wonder they are a protected species, the electronics are probably making him sterile . . . .

Bro and I did some cave exploring . . .

. . . and some shooting . . . .

. . . the processor wreck on the side of Ballyhoo is an interesting stop . . .

. . . we made two trips to Seafood Buffets, and one Sunday Brunch (comped by a very classy and dear friend), throwing my diet completely out of whack . . . .

. . . a little Tiger Woods wii golf . . .

and a few hikes rounded out his trip! It was wonderful to have him visit - I hope he felt the days of travel required to get here and back to Maine was worth the trouble!


Bren said...

Wonderful pictures! I do have handsome brothers who have to work way too hard to relax, but relax they did!

Richard & Penelope said...

I have two very talented sons that work very hard at all that they do and I am so happy that they enjoy each others company and get along so well. I love them both very much. Dad

Gigi said...

It was fun to meet your bro and I am so glad he got to come and visit. Looks like you guys had a great time!

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing those wonderful moments with your family!

Mystic said...

What wonderful memories you made during his visit!
Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Oh...and hello to your pops!

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Wow, your house looks GREAT!!!!