Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bunker Hill Workout

Going up the backside of Bunker Hill is pretty much the perfect workout - it's close by, it's just 45 minutes roundtrip if you don't hang out too long, and there is a great scenery reward once you make the top.  With both Goldfish and I dieting and working out like crazy these days we're hitting it several times a week.  It is a favorite of Chico's as well because there is always that possibility of running across a fox to play with!


Suzassippi said...

Are you sure Chico wants to play with the fox? LOL The view brings back nice memories of my first and only hike up Bunker--only it was green then. :)

Bren said...

It's always nice to see your smiling faces. Miss you guys

Lauri said...

Nice photos, Steve...I'm embarassed to say I have never made it up Bunker Hill....I'm dedicated to climbing to the top of Ballyhoo this summer...I'm putting Bunker Hill on my list of things to conquer....Maybe I'll see you up there!

...Fizz Wood.. said...

looks brilliant Steve!!! my kind of walk :D

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I started my own workout program last week and then promptly got sick with the flu. Dammit. Went out for a great walk today, though. Hope you feel great and keep on your program!


Mystic said...

What an amazing backdrop for your workouts! Wonderful pics steve...thank you for sharing. Keep up the good work on the diet and exercise. Tell Goldfish Hi, and give Chico a kiss on the nose from me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve! Always good to see your face. :) Looks like you and Goldfish have lost some weight too. I can't believe things are melting up there already. It'll give Alex more ideas. LOL
- Carla

Lori said...

Sounds like my kind of workout! Great backdrop shot with you and Chico and..... wearing that same New England sweatshirt again - LOL! Well, I'm off the rest of the week for some workout myself - at Disney that is! Be back on the 23rd. Enjoy your week!