I have a couple thoughts this evening . . . you can see I took these photos last week, before Thanksgiving, while we still had snow. The 3 days of gale force rain followed by 45 degree temperatures has chased the snowline 2 or 300 feet up the mountains. The Sea Wolf is a pollock boat that packs about 700,000 pounds and has a first rate captain and crew. Whenever I see this boat at our dock I'm reminded of my seasons as a salmon boat deckhand in Cook Inlet, Alaska. We had a boat in our group called Lobo de Mar (Dale, if you're reading this, drop me an email!), translating roughly as Sea Dog or Sea Wolf. I remember Dale perched high in flying bridge, incessantly chain smoking and always wearing his lucky yellow sweat pants, flashing a grin as he sped by to set his gear. Man did we ever give him a rough time about those sweat pants . . . .
You may notice that sometimes I post different photos of the same thing. When you see that, know my mind is exhausted and I am literally incapable of deciding which composition I like best so I post them all. Seriously, sometimes I am almost falling asleep, flipping between two different photos, trying to decide which one I like best. This way, YOU can decide . . . . and I can head to bed . . . .
Somehow reminded me of a past blog - "So I was trying to take some Eagle pics...." - great story this morning Steve. Get some rest - you sound like you're extending yourself a little too much this holiday season! Stay healthy!
Hey there, as long as your taking care of my little brother, I'm happy. Love ya
But here's the diff between yourself and others: ALL, and I mean ALL of your photos are typically excellent!
And, I have to admit, I enjoy the ability to click on the photos, make them larger, and place them as desktops on my own computer!
I love your photos too. I can't never see them too many times!
Steve, I sympathize! Blogging often takes place late (for me) at night when I should be in bed. Eventually, I just grab a photo and slap it on. Too tired to care if it is the right one.
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