F/V Northwestern has made their Akutan deliveries and was in Dutch over the weekend doing exit interviews with the Discovery Channel crews. There were also interviews over at the Unisea plant dock involving lounge furniture from the hotel and the crew of the Cornelia Marie . . . . and now back to your normally scheduled blog programming of scenery, dogs, the odd pumpkin, eagles and horses . . . . . . .
You are the best Steve! Put a big smile on my face this morning! I am continuing to have internet depervation at home and can't get on the FVNW website, so this was a lovely surprise this morning. And yes, now back to the regularly scheduled blogging......
Haha! Damn boats. :) I saw an eagle the other day and thought of you. The bald eagles are making a comeback down here in the Mississippi Delta. - Carla
And In other Island News The Northwestern should be making a return trip on Wednesday for a scheduled offload in Dutch at Habor Crown Seafood.
Also Mountain View Coffee shop will be closing on November 22 For good, or until someone else buys this HUGE money making outlet.
Finally, Veda, of The Unalaska Advertiser (linked to in this blog) is on Vacation for two weeks so this is the last "police Beat" update till like the 7th of December.
And Steve, You always get better shots than me!!!!! ARRGGGHHHH!!!
You're too funny Brian! Coffee business, huh? I think I could do that........hubby might have something to say about it though. Thanks for the NW update and it's Wednesday - will I see anymore Eagle (eyed) pics Steve!
Steve: "exit interviews" -- does that mean their season is wrapped up? Let's see, isn't King Crab season first, then Opelio? What are the lengths of those seasons, if you don't mind my asking, please?
For the Offical Numbers if you want to wade through all the GVT Mess Check out
Or My company Unisea out this out a few years ago
Although I do not believe that this takes into account the Crab Rationalization Program.
Original Productions/Discovery will all be checking out of the Hotel by Sunday (Weather Permitting) and Flying back to LA LA Land. They and the boats will be back in Dutch on or before Jan 6for Opies. Just confirmed the Reservations with the production crew.
Oh, BTW Lori I was not kidding about the Coffee Stand. The Woman who owns it is retiring a Millionare. Between the Stand and her little truck that she took around to Construction sites, Businesses, and GVT offices she Made a KILLING!!! That is what you do In Dutch, MAKE MONEY, Not spend it!!! LOL
Thanks CB. Man, if only I had some buckage to scrape up for that business. Heavy sigh.
I just called and Spoke to Carol who owns the Shop and she has not finalized on a price yet, but will e-mail me when she has one, and I will pass it on to you. Anything I can do to help refugees like myself from the Lower 48!!
Hey Steve, I'd just like to say that I get a lot of comments from my visitors on how great your blog is. So kudos to you for keeping in touch with the world and yourself in such a place as Dutch. Most people outside of here know the island from all the DC blogs, not from the people who live here. Keep it up, we live in an amazing place that few will really ever know.
Carla! How have you been? Have you heard anything from Alex and crew lately?
BZ, the crab quota system versus the old style derby fishing is a whole conversation in inself, I'll email you direct, okay?
CB, thanks for dinner, see you on Thanksgiving!
Dan, I really appreciate your comment. This place speaks to me on a very primal level and it always amazes me how few people get out there and take advantage of all the island offers. You're leading the way, I hope to start diving maybe next year, that is a whole different side of the island to be explored. I love the photo on top of your blog with the tent, that sums you up very well!
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