Mom, it's been 14 years today and I know you've been watching but I hope you spend less time worrying, now that you have the big picture. Sure, old worries like one son in law enforcement, another in the military during Desert Storm, daughters being daughters - those worries have been replaced with keeping an eye on those new great-grandchildren as they learn to walk and to run and to drive and to love. Your angel wings must get a workout because along with the new additions the sons are still playing with guns and the daughters are still being daughters . . .
Mom, I would never think of trading the rest of my life for just five more minutes with you, that would be silly - I've got a fantastic life and I just talked with you an hour ago while I walked Chico along the river (unless I had, say, just three minutes left to live, then I'd trade - 'cause my momma didn't raise no fool). With that said, my most fervent wish would be that you give yourself a pat on the back - you done good Mom, your four kids are doing well, and more importantly we know how to love and we know family comes first.
We miss you Mom, today and always . . . . .
Ukuganaadan has had a great run at the Anchorage Museum. The show was
extended from the original ending date in mid-January to April 14 at the
request of t...
5 years ago
Beautiful post Steve. I am sure she loved it.
And you do your mother and your family credit by being the good man you are, and honoring her memory.
I really didn't know what to say when I read this post the other day. I was definitely touched by your admiration of your mother and family. Thank you for inspiring me.
Your mom is proud.
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