Monday, October 15, 2007

With Repetition Begins Transcendence

I'm not sure who originally said that but it took three months on a sorting line for me to understand it. You can figure out a lot doing hard physical labor for 12 hours a day, seven days a week. You truly do work through it and out to the other side . . . . my production plant time is behind me now but the lessons I learned stayed with me.

This is probably my favorite of the eagle shots I took yesterday, I was probably three feet away from the eagle and I believe he was contemplating taking action to re-establish his personal space. My family will tell you that in Maine and the rest of Alaska I can't pass up taking a photo of moose - well in Dutch Harbor/Unalaska there are no moose or bears, just foxes and eagles and ravens . . . . . so folks, you're going to see lots of eagles because I can't get enough of them and I'm surrounded by them every day. Cheers . . .


Anonymous said...

I love this photo! great shot!
love bren

Anonymous said...

How can anyone NOT love that face ? Keep them coming - I LOVE eagles too !!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That is quite the shot. He does look like he wants to come say hi to your face though.