The pass is just 50 yards right around the corner but the beast was starting to fish-tail a bit and there really isn't much room for error up there so I turned around and headed back to the ranch. You can't really tell but the snow gets quite a bit deeper just beyond where I turned around. I think unless things change dramatically I'm going to consider the pass closed for the season - if the big Ford is sliding around in 4WD and granny low then it really isn't safe for anything besides Roger in a grader . . . . of course I could still give it a try on the motorcycle!

Not the best place to turn around but it beat backing down in a whiteout with a 600 foot drop on one side and no guard rail . . . .

View from the living room - the interesting part is this was taken today at lunch, and the pass photos were taken just 5 hours later. Never a dull moment with Unalaska weather!
About 56% of the red king TAC (total allowable catch) has been delivered from the 70 boats participating in the fishery this season. Our dock has been busy as many boats chose to come in and make a delivery and let their pots soak instead of riding the storm out on the Bering where waves approaching 30 feet have been reported. I've been watching the deliveries closely and we just got some amazing bairdi last night worthy of being this year's Christmas crab - just have to get some to the airport and on the way to Idaho and Maine!
This is a really tough time of year to take photos - it is dark when I go to work and almost dark when I get out. It was great to video chat with Sis tonight - ain't technology grand? Cheers everyone!
Looks like we got out og town in the nick of time! (5pm ish)
It was so fun to see you last night! Looking forward to getting a real hug soon!
The analogy/reference to the road grader being the safest vehicle to traverse the pass was a coffee spew alert for me this AM Steve.
We have a few high country passes (Red Mountain) that aren;t even road grader appropriate during certain points in the year in Colorado.
I am glad to see that you have some snow in the area. We are getting a light flaking of snow this morning but nothing that is collecting. It is brobably in the process of turning to rain. I have a nice wood fire going this morning that feels real nice. I do have to be careful not to let it get to warm. No overnight fires yet. I filled the Defiant up the other night and had all the doors open for the upstairs and it was in the 70's upstairs and nearly 80 downstairs. It looked as though you had a great party at your house and plenty of room for everyone. Glad to see your bloging. Love Dad & Penny
That can be a scary turn-around! We've had to back down before and did not enjoy it! I like the eagle sitting there with the little bird house below. Wonder what he thought about that?!
I take it the first big snow? Yep, looks like you are done with that road for a bit.
I like the shot of the wind-ruffled eagle feathers.
And 4X4 discretion is, of course, the better part of valor.
The close up of the eagle is my fav. That appears to be to close of a call for the turn around. I too think that you should consider the pass closed (and don't even think about the bike - Goldfish would freak!)
I would so love some of that Christmas crab shipped to FL! :-)
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