Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sorry Trevor . . . . . . . . (Edited 2-4-08)

The masses have spoken, and by a 7 to 1 ratio, the consensus is that you should not have bet on the Dolphins this year . . . . now, for full disclosure, the Dolphins actually beat the Patriots last year, so Trevor has similar pictures of me. We take our football seriously, and for us, the Naked Snow Angel is the only pure football bet.

Don't worry Trevor, I won't leave it up for long and no one looks at my blog anyways, so you're safe . . . . well, except for the 1,744 unique visitors from 28 countries in the last 30 days. Nice sock by the way. . . . . and you do get bonus points for doing it right in the front yard under the streetlight . . . .

Edited 2-4-08 - Trevor has shown off long enough. I have always felt that the best gift a parent can give their children is self-confidence - and Trevor has that in abundance. This is a picture that made the paper from his middle linebacker days . . .


Anonymous said...

There it is everyone. And he thought I was the only one that voted. Good to see he came through with his debt before the Superbowl. Oh and don't feel sorry for him, he pretty much wanted this to happen I know it.


Alaska Steve said...

You're right Zack, I'm not really embarrassing your brother, he kind of thrives on situations like this . . . and besides, it's not like I wore a wore a kilt to his wedding or something like that - ummmm, ohhhh - wait a minute, my bad . . .

Bren said...

Wow! Bro and my little nephews! This is more than I have seen of you since our Christmas in Maine forever ago!

Sorry you lost Tever.

Jennifer McKenzie said...

LMAO!!!!!! Okay. I totally want to know if I can post this picture of Trevor on my blog.

As a Thursday Thirteen. That way TONS of people will see it. LOL.

Thirteen Reasons NEVER to bet with Alaska Steve.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and I'm from NY state. Sorry Trevor...under the street lights was a nice touch. I'm assuming thats not a ankle sock. Sense I'm here I enjoy the blog and look forward to the pictures you post and your dog walking adventures. Have a great night.

Lothian said...

Oh. my. goodness!

trblcmn said...

Oh boy, do I hear the sweet sound of PAYBACK. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That's way better than the
eagle wing marks. But I'm still
tired of winter!

Anonymous said...

Now that's an interesting snow angel! If he could have laid a king crab in the snow right alongside him, I would have posted it in my blog!

Alaska Steve said...

I'm actually disappointed there isn't more "Angel" to the performance, it's hard to tell if he went through with moving his arms and legs - he might need to make us another one . . . .

Melissa Blue said...

- he might need to make us another one . . . .

That's just cruel, but I'll over here waiting for the next pic. Lol. This is why I never make bets.

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Okay, Steve, I'm NOW waiting for the reciprocal picture since I believe YOU LOST the bet.
Actually, it was a FABULOUS Superbowl. I hope you get to see it even though you had to work through it.
My sympathies with you and thanks for the email. Tell Trevor I'm probably going to use the attachment.
*insert evil laugh*

Bren said...

didn't your dad say he wouldn't keep it up too long? So what is your payback?
Love ya

Alaska Steve said...

Sis, you're right, I said I wouldn't leave it up long, so tonight I pull it and repalce it with a picture of Trevor fully clothed - until next time he makes a bet. As for the Super Bowl, Trevor and I didn't have a bet - I totally would have, I was surprised and shocked that Tom B didn't pull it off at the last minute. My brother in Maine recorded the game for me so I should be able to watch it this weekend.

Trevor, I actually feel a bit guilty so you have my solemn vow that the next time the Dolphins beat the Patriots I will post on here my pay off . . . . and I will pull the photo tonight and replace it with something a bit more more appropriate. Love ya, thanks for being a good sport - Dad