Anyways, that's my fun fact for the day. I only worked eight hours again today so I sat on the beach in front of my place and watched the sunrise after breakfast - I feel wonderfully rested and got lots done this evening!
Ukuganaadan has had a great run at the Anchorage Museum. The show was
extended from the original ending date in mid-January to April 14 at the
request of t...
5 years ago
That place was bombed? Man it gets better and better with every blog. Must be a much sought after place. Glad to hear you have been able to get some rest lately. Oh i meant to ask who your dinner guests were, the other day. Friends? The Boss?
Well keep an eye at the sky, right? Oh Bad joke.
Love you Dad
The dinner guests were two friends, Keri and Elaine. Keri is way cool in more ways than I can count - she went to College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine; she ran the Boston Marathon; she has a cool job - the list goes on. Elaine is very cool as well and is the person who picked us up at the airport when I got here with a smile and a pan of lasagna. They are both the best, and are both true "island girls".
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